The Sunday Morning Quickies: Updated

The Sunday Morning Quickies: Updated

OK all you hard rocking Amigos…


We’ve been busy of the past few weeks banging out trips into the Fatherland the The France and hitting up some amazing places and trails… And here is the little catchup of those vids… in one place for your viewing pleasure… 😀 And some pictures to boot…

One day… When I’m a real adult… I’m up-grading the van to this!


The Murg… On a misserable day for a ride…


The view point… On a misserable day for a ride… I should not have been in short pants and a t-shirt…


The View point… One day later… The perfect day for short pants and a t-shirt… Gotta love the German Spring!
A bit of a jankey trail down and the Hanchenfelzhüuute in the distance.


After 1000m climbing… Cold beer gets served here… Nom Nom NOm Nom…


View is pretty great too…


This trail is a rock fest of note… but HELLA fun!


Case in point.


Dropping in to th next set of trails a bit lower down the mountain.


A lovely bit of neglected trail… loved it!


And now thre video up-dates…





Until next time hommies!




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