Der Pfalz
Riding in Der Palz is one of my favarite things. It’s not that I do it often. Very rarely in fact. But it’s a type of riding that is really fun to do when you just want to wind the days away with good friends, good food and good beer.
Der Pfalz is that little corner of germany that still sits on the other side of the Rein. Wedged between the river and France. The mountains aren’t especially high. The trails aren’t especially mind blowing. But when you combine good trails, linked up with enjoyable fire road sessions winding from beer garden to beer garden and resaurant to restaurant… You can’t really call that a bad day.
The place is chock full of history as well. Castles. French people. Wine plantations… Yes. I know it’s called a vineyard… I just don’t care. Wine plantation sounds better. So it’s done. English language changed. and for the better i might add…
When we hit up der Pfalz, it’s usually a very chilled session. The main aim of the day is just to enjoy it. But one thing that#s nioce about it… Well… There are many things that are nice about it, but from a mountain biking point of view, is that just when you are in the mood to smash a trail down. one appears. and you can do just that.
The beer gardens and restaurants in the area are all really good as well. it just can’t be beat for chilled vibes and sunny days.
If you’re keen on spending a few days sight seeing by bike and taking in the local culture and cuisine. This is THE place to do it…
Der Pfalz is a bit of a must if you’re into bike tourism and taking in a bit of the scenery off the beaten track. It’s out ProTip destination really.
Two Guys.