Süd Tirol: Schlanders – A Photo Epic

Süd Tirol: Schlanders – A Photo Epic

Right folks… This is it. The first major journey of Two Guys, One Van… And it couldn’t have been a better kick off. After a last minute change to plans, we ended up in Schlanders in Süd Tirol for an epic three days of riding. Thanks to my buddy Dirk for making me super Jelly with pictures of the place a few weeks before. And we were off… But first…



There was some partying to do… Stad-Fest in Kempten. German Reggae bands… Leder-hösen and rap beats… Go home Germany… You’re drunk.


Place was packed… Beer tents everywhere. Rocking bands and festive vibes. What a start to the holiday… Beer wasn’t half bad either…


The never ending story of gear and stairs…


At this stage we were only apartially packed. We still managed to fit one more bike and a load of extra camping gear in here… #Goldwagen for LIFE!


Nothing like an epic road trip to get the spirits up…


About to head into Austria…


Things are starting to hot up now… The last 2hrs of driving are the worst… your brain is torn between stopping to enjoy the scenery every five minutes and pushing through to get to the riding destination. Scenery is EPIC though…


The hills are alive….. With the sound of free-hubs…


And then we realized… The Navi goes 3D… Minds were blown…


One never really gets tired of mountain shots… Not in the Alps anyways…


A slight change of scenery… And we were almost there…


And then the daily routine of never ending climbs began…


The views on the way up are amazing though… And having mates to climb with breaks the bordom…


Where we came from…


The view back towards Schlanders…


And then we started to criss-cross the trail network…


This is what you look like when your friends don’t let you have lunch before you ride your bike up an Alps…


Getting our Braai on back at Base Camp Alpha.. It’s time to feed the demons…


If you’re gonna camp… Camp in style…




If you’re caught pushing… It’s a round of beers in the pub after the ride for everyone that sees you… NB: Photos don’t count…


Apple fields… There may be one or two of them in this area… It is (I think) the largest apple producint area in Italy.


Schlonk enjoying the ride up…


With great hight, comes great views…


The saga continues… On this trip… Not a single climbing meter was wasted.. It was all gifted back in the form of amazing trails.


Well… Except this bit where we encountered a bit of trail closure. Lucky for us, we were only about 200m (non-verticle) from another trail…


Schlonky-doodle… The butterfly magnet..


Some later afternoon snaps…


Golden hour… And a bit of irrigation…


An early morning climb up to get one last run down the Holy Hansen Trail before we have to head home…


Time for a quick regroup… Friends that climb together… Descend together…


Having to put petrol in myself!?! What is this?? The third world!


And that’s that… The videos from the trip will be dropping shortly… As we roll them out.


Until then. Cheers guys and gals… We love you all…

Especially you. You’re out secret bestie!


Philth and Schlonky

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